Me n ma self

My photo
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
I’m an easy going person, hyperactive & most of all…luv to make people SMILE,get to know me first before u start ur judgement, then u’ll know who i am!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Belated Anniversary

sedar x sedar dh setahun aku mendirikan rumahtangga..segalanya masih terlalu segar bagi aku,macam x pecaya sekelip mata aku dh jadi seorang isteri & ibu..4th Oct, we celebrated our 1st anniversary together as husband and wife..m so excited dunno how to describe those feelings..i luv u so much dear hubby, till death do us apart.

As a token of appreciation, he gave me tiz bag..Roxy #one of a kind =)m quit shock for a while coz i don't expect such expensive gift for anniversary..soon enough i received another gift from him..MNG wallet, m speechless...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Day Before Raya

Salam semua..x sangka sok dh nk raya,petang2 ni sepatutnya owg dh start brtolak or at least dh siap packing pon barang2 yg nk dibawa pulang..AKU??? still wit my lappy rambling while listening to Raya song from Aisyah (syahdu siot lagu ni)pulanglah di hari raya kot,gitu2la bunyi die.Hubby still on duty, my lil' boy tgh sedap tido..aku sensorg x tau nk wat ape..mandi pon blum *sigh..

2nd raya aku balik mersing..hubby nk jgk kubur arwah ayah die,we haven't decide wether to stay or not..but one thing for sure hotels are fully booked by tiz time.i really wish tat i could hang out wit my parents a bit lama..sian diowg x kemana raya ni,KUBUR! hai ntahla since i was a little gal x prnh pon jejakkan kaki ke kubur masa raya..not even my granny's.nape ek??? still wondering..

okeyla i think i better start packing now,lots and lots of things to do..
SELAMAT HARI RAYA SEMUA ikhlas dari kami sekeluarga = Anna Suhana, Hafizullah & Harrith Rayyan..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Raya Semakin Hampir...

owh lg 3 hari menjelang raya..dunno how to describe my feelings rite now,first raya as a wife and momma..hmmmm actually it do sounds good..yeaah!!
the only thin' tat bothers me is how am i goin' to "handle" my lil' boy..dowh x sanggup nk bawak jalan wit tiz kinda weather..panas tuh
o-ya..tiz is my lil' boy (Harrith Rayyan)

newly born_3rd July 2010

hugs & kisses

wit momma

Friday, March 26, 2010


suram je malam ni aku rasakan...
suasana seakan-akan memahami hati aku yg penuh dengan kekesalan...perasaan kosong, hambar... Entah kenapa aku rasa amat bersalah pada orang2 disekelilingku, pada ayah..mak..lela..lbh2 lagi pada suami aku, mungkinkah masa aku akan sampai x lama lagi?

Selama 27 tahun aku hidup di muka bumi ni, aku x pernah lekang dari melakukan kesilapan.. hati aku x pernah bersih dari berprasangka buruk. Akan selamatkah aku dari azab siksaan tuhan? Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa2ku..aku benar2 menyesal dengan apa yg telah aku lakukan selama aku hidup..

Tiga bulan lagi aku akan menjadi seorang ibu..
Akan sempurnakah kelahirannya? Aku benar2 takut untuk mengahadapi saat itu..
Mampukah aku untuk menjaga dan mendidiknya agar menjadi seorang insan yang berguna?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

a day at home...

Activities for today:

1. Monthly pregnancy check-up. (10am to 11pm)
2. Lunch at Giant Tampoi - Dry mee and soup
(have to control on food consumption coz my weight increased 3.5kg in a month.)
3. Home cleaning, laundry etc.
4. Prepare lunch for hubby (2.30pm - late...huhuuhuhuhu)
5. Finally...surfing internet

Thursday, February 25, 2010

cuti yang membosankan...

yesterday i went for my monthly pregnancy check-up... finally accompanied by beloved hubby :) the worst part is that overall the process took more than 2 hours to finished eventho xdepapepon pon x jumper k juz a few chat wz the nurse jek.

malam td aku bertengkar sket ngan die..ala xderla teruk na pon cuma aku geram die cam x amik kesah je aku nk pi scan..since morning aku dh x sabar nk tgk jantina baby aku alih2 smpai ke malam x pegi pon...alasan die nk balik umah dulu...cuaca still panas agi, mata die kuyu nk tido kejapla...eeeiii geram aku dibuatnya, xper arini by hook or by crook aku nak pi scan gak!

ok atleast there's one thing la yg aku dpt smlm besides pi license has been renewed up to 5 years...yehaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


sian akak aku, tension dok ngadap bos die yg giler tahap cipan tuh. ape ntah, pangkat dh ader tp x cukup2 nk membodek owg, mengipas bontot owg...
kekadang aku mmgla rasa bersalah coz xnak amik ntahla, niat aku cuma nk kasi die ngan naz tu bertanggungjawab sket tp nmpknya die mmg xleh cope dgn keadaan mcm ni la. mungkin sbb mak ayah dh terlalu lama bagi cuti rehat kat diowg so bila time nk handle sdri camni dh x bole plak.
aku ni hipokrit ker ek? rasa mcm x tp x taula apa pandangan owg terhadap aku.
baby is about to come out soon,well aku nk gak rehat puas2 sblm aku jadi ibu sepenuh masa nanti...ssh na ke owg nk paham aku??? i just need a litte time for my self.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


After more than 4 months being a wife and mom to be..finally my photographer handed over the soft copy of my wedding picci which was held on the 14th November 2009...i juz can't believe it!I shouldn't hav choose him by rite...well, thanks to my hubby for being so sparing...:(

So here goes some of my wedding picci..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


actually i'm not in the mood to write but when i look at other people's blog all of a sudden rase nk menulis tu datang plak. Arini aku MC, sore throat, flu, fever all in one (complete package la plak). Baru abis mamam nasik ambang awie n do some laundry... keje opis x siap agi nih, membebel plak azima ni kang kalo aku x wat poster tu. smlm mmg nk wat pun tapi ape ek yg aku wat smpi balik pun x sempat nk design poster tu..ala jap gi aku wat la.

emmm, thinkin' of buying a new diary for my daily rambling la. my life is sooooo empty now even when he's around, nape ek jadi camtu??? baby is on da way...i should be cherish by now.